Jumat, 15 November 2013

English Task - Analytical Text

                To live in this era sometimes we demand to be able to communicate with other and there are so many ways to interact and communicate not only by using social network but also by studying in groups. Commonly, we study individually in school or university but actually we also can study together by studying in groups. Studying in  groups is good and so many advantages that will be found.
                First, studying in groups can help each other. For the example, when studying sometimes we get some difficulties, we can ask our friends or members to solve that difficulties together.
                Second, we can share something to our friends. We can share everything to friends not only about problem but also everything about hot news, music, lifestyle, new information or maybe share our personal problem. By sharing we can exchange idea and get new knowledge from our friends.
                Third, we can recognise someone’s character and get new friend. Studying in groups makes an interaction, and that interaction makes us recognise each other. We can find new friends here. We will feel the advantages of having many friends.
Fourth, studying in groups will remove egoism. No one like egoism, so in this studying in groups will make us realize how is life if people just make egoism as the first and how is life if people don’t have sense of togetherness . So, studying in groups increases sense of togetherness and throw egoism away. And by togetherness we can do so much things.
                Fifth, studying in groups increases social-soul. As a social human we need others to help us, by helping each other, sharing something and  throwing egoism will increase social-soul. Social-soul not only build by finding new friends, sharing and removing egoism but social-soul also build by doing and making some activities, like making charity event, making a event for inviting others to help poor and make a advantage thing. From here we know that studying together is also a place for people who want to get something new in their life, certainly it’s beneficial thing for us and valuable for others.

                From the reason i have told above it’s clear that studying in groups is so good for us and we can apply it up to now, especially for junior or senior high-school where in that time character building begins.

author : Nisrina Ariandini. 
(footnote: I really apologize if there is something wrong.please tell me.thx)

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